Live's "Love song" depicts his love for his girlfriend, and his fears of losing both her and himself on the road to success. In the first verse, the rapper reveals the dreams he has for them, which drive his pursuit for money and fame. However, his past failures continue to remind him that he might not change at all, since he might not even make it.

But Live reveals that he'll keep "praying to God for better cards", though he gets tired. This suggests that despite his religious background, adulthood has shown him that prayers often aren't helpful, which we witnessed in his third song on this mixtape "Toss and Turn".

In the second verse, Live reveals that there are people who advise him to follow certains trends to succeed as an artist. He appreciates how different he is from all other artists.

Nonetheless, he does wonder if the only way for him to succeed really is to follow these trends? On the flip side, he realises that he would then be sacrificing the very art he uses to express himself, just for the money.

In the third verse, Live continues to show how much he appreciates his girlfriend, and says money and glory often distract people from talking about love. He believes that the word "Love" has become a cliché, and that people often use it manipulatively.

Live also reveals that his girlfriend was previously hurt by people who supposedly "love” her, including himself, "but despite the pain this word can cause", Live is still with her. And this is the first time we witness Live gratifying something he already has, and it is the first time we hear him actually thanking God.

We witness Live's path clearing; as much as he wants to be a successful artist, he relies on his art to truly express himself. In the following song on the mixtape, "That's Me", Live dwells deep into why it can be tempting for a new South African artist to deviate from your path, and sacrifice your art for success.
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  • Love Song

  • Live Mxaku

Big dreams that we have l wonder if
We gonna make it

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